1. Create your bot:

Use the “Create New Bot” button to create a new bot


  1. Create your API keys:

Go to Deploy tab and chose the bot to get your API key


  1. Deploy your app:

<aside> 💡 API endpoint:




“question”: “What did miners mine in the wildcat park?“,

“message_history”: [],

“stream”: false,

“temperature”: 0.3,

“stop”: [“Optional”, “stop”, “words”]



Here are postman screenshots for the endpoint



Output format:

"messages": [
            "content": "*Instruction*",
            "role": "system"
            "content": "How do i XYZ?",
            "role": "user"
            "content": "To make teams mandatory, as an Event Organizer or Race Director, you need to navigate to the Teams section of your dashboard and select 'Settings'. Then, set the minimum and maximum number of participants required for each team category. By setting a minimum number, the system will force that number of participants to sign up within one transaction. This will make it mandatory for participants to join or create a team during registration. Additionally, you can choose to disable the option for participants to register as an individual and only allow team registrations. Finally, make sure to hit 'SAVE' before navigating away from the page to ensure the changes are applied.",
            "role": "assistant"

Key notes: